The Orthotics and Prosthetics Workshop served 5,274 patients, delivering 6,155 appliances that included upper and lower limb prostheses, splints, braces, and orthopedic shoes. Additionally, items such as silicone products, hyperextension braces, and lumbosacral corsets received positive feedback from patients, as these are often provided to patients during the same visit. This initiative has significantly enhanced patient care and improved the quality of life for those requiring orthotic and prosthetic support.
ALTSO Project
378 patients were assisted and received 585 appliances

Success Story
A milkman, Imran Shehzad, aged 34, got shot by a stray bullet in his leg. This resulted in the amputation of his right leg above the knee and a compound fracture of his left leg.
After being bedridden for six months, the O&P team fitted a prosthesis for his right leg and braces for his left leg fracture. He is currently undergoing gait training and is able to walk independently.

Success Story
Zaryab, a 20-year-old from Mansehra, lost both arms in a factory accident two years ago. Seeking to improve his quality of life, he visited the Orthotics and Prosthetics Department in PSRD.
They provided him with a myoelectric hand on his right side and a mechanical hand on his left. Now capable and confident, Zaryab has secured a job at a local shop as an independent welder and is grateful to PSRD for their support.